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How to Make a Killer Profile that will Land You Date

As many as one-in-three people are dating online, but if you’re not one of them, don’t worry. Statistics also show that 57% of online daters lie. Jokes aside, do you ever wonder why you don’t get enough matches on dating apps?

“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in our profiles that we are underlings!”

In online dating, the way you present yourself makes all the difference. Here are 5 simple tips to help you win the virtual dating scene and find the perfect match you’ve been waiting for all along.

#1. Display Great Photos

Think about it. When you visit someone’s profile, how do you assess if they are a good match? While you might be reading each word of their bio or using your psychic skills, 43% of people think they can get a better idea about someone’s personality by looking at their photos. As many as 58% wouldn’t even look at your profile if you don’t have a photo.

So, how do you get great photos for your NticeMe profile? Research says photos with filters, large groups, and gym selfies are among the biggest deal breakers. Keep it real because they want to see you, not your cat or bike. Take your friends to a park and click a photo right there and then. With that charming smile and those dazzling eyes, you have nothing to hide!

#2. Write the Perfect Bio

If photos are the gateway to your profile, your ‘about me’ is the real clincher. Next to photos, a catchy bio that shows who you are is your only chance at getting loved and dated. Keep it short and simple. Mention your upbringing, school, career, hobbies, curiosities, guilty pleasures, and shameless moments.

Choose how you want to define yourself and make that person the focal point of your bio. Remember that some of the biggest deal breakers include your social preferences such as drinking or smoking, your relationship goals, and political views; not to mention bad grammar and spellings. Focus on your strengths and avoid stepping on thin ice.

#3. Show Your Positive Side

No one likes to spend time with a dull personality unless you are an eighty-year-old looking for a caretaker with minimum communication skills. Mention the things that arouse your curiosity and write it in a way that the reader can’t help but get a hint of your enthusiasm. Reflect your passion in words that would compel the audience to know more about the person behind the screen.

Keep your tone charming and lively because everyone loves an optimistic and extrovert person. Avoid clichés. Take inspiration from other people’s profiles. Finally, ask your friends for their views and feedback on your profile.

#4. Set the Right Expectations

Beating around the bush will earn you nothing except a red flag. You must always state your requirements up front. You don’t want to wind up with a partner who wants “a happily ever after” when you were only looking for a casual affair— no one wants to be in that position.

A recent study concludes 48% of people turn to online dating for fun, 41% do it to find friends, 24% want to have a good time with an interesting person, and 13% are simply looking for sex. Whatever your relationship goals, being straightforward will take you places. Therefore, if you are looking for a short-term fling or a long-term relationship, assert it in your bio so that no one's time is wasted!

#5. Tickle Your Sense of Humor

Ask a bunch of online users the top characteristic they require in a potential dating partner, and most of them would likely say they want someone with a good sense of humor. They even have an acronym for that in online dating—GSOH. According to Psychology Today, both males and females are attracted to GSOH because humor puts people in a good and positive mood.

Just remember that there is a fine line between being funny and being insensitive. Don't make any jokes in your bio that might be offensive to any gender, race, or religion. Self-deprecating humor is often the best kind. Why don’t you give that a try?

Make Your Next Move

Creating a killer profile is just the first, though the most important step. Be consistent and make small changes to your profile whenever you have some time on your hands. Visit the app regularly to view new profiles and people with similar interests. Trust us, it gets easier; but you have to do it every day. That’s the hard part.

No matter how unique and weird you are in your ways, a positive outlook and the right projection can do wonders. Don’t hesitate and be ready to do whatever it takes to land a date, a soul mate, or a lover.

Remember, your best match is out there!



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