The online dating scene is so competitive it is easy to get lost in the clutter. Studies show one in four people does not get the desired response on various online dating forums because of a poor profile.
Here are Five mistakes that most people tend to make, and how you can fix them to rule the online dating scene.
Mistake #1: A Sloppy Profile Photo
Your main profile photo is the first reason people might reject you. It is not necessarily about your looks, though. Some types of photos simply turn people away, no matter who is in them. Make sure your profile photos do not have these top photo turnoffs that surveys have revealed:
Get rid of those sunglasses covering half of your face in your main profile pic. Anything that obscures your face in the first photo hurts your chances of getting a match.
Photos with pets are also a turnoff. You might be a cat lover or a dog whisperer, but your profile picture is not the best place to show it.
Group shots and blurry selfies are also a big no, as are gym selfies and photos with a ‘significant other’!
Large groups diminish your personality, and who knows, they might get more interested in one of your friends.
Make sure your main profile photo has none of the above problems. You don’t have to go to a studio to get a great-looking photo. Just walk into a park with friends with a good camera and ask someone to snap a few poses that clearly show your face. You can put on whatever you want, just don’t forget to put on your best smile!
Mistake #2: Poor Picture Lineup
Don’t try to over-kill it with photos. You’ll only confuse your audience. If your dating profile looks like a photo album, you have some serious cleaning to do. Here are some mistakes that you are probably making:
Photoshopping yourself into someone you’re not; chances are you will get caught!
Posting shirtless, bathroom selfies. 75% of women reported lewd, suggestive pictures as their #1 online dating foul. Don’t be that guy!
Stuffing your profile with too many pictures of you traveling; can be intimidating and make you look like you’re trying too hard.
Using too many filters. According to a recent study, 87% of men consider this a hard pass.
Your photos must reflect your casual, everyday life. Where do you go for happy hour? Who do you cheer for in baseball? How do you spend your days off? Consider these photos as your marketing campaign, choose wisely!
Mistake #3: Being Too Picky
Have a close look at your profile. Is it centered too narrowly on the type of person you’re trying to attract? There’s your next mistake! Being too specific or picky will make you sound arrogant and will generally alienate you from a large dating pool. Studies have shown that an ideal profile should be 70% about you and 30% about the type of partner you’re seeking. Here’s how you can manage this ratio:
Introduce yourself with a little humor (don’t dwell too much on this part).
Describe what you do for a living, without sounding cheesy. You could say something like: “Number-ninja at an audit firm by day, serial Netflix binge-watcher by night.”
Tell them about your hobbies through little anecdotes that will elicit an emotional response.
Once you feel you’ve said more than enough about yourself, start describing what you’re looking for in a partner, but make sure you do so with an open mind
Your profile is your canvas; use it to describe yourself in the most interesting way possible. Ideally, you should have someone read it before posting it on your profile. A little objective feedback never hurt anybody!
Mistake #4: Not Updating Your Profile
An outdated profile is a major online dating turn-off! Just because you didn’t meet your perfect match yet does not mean you abandon your profile altogether and forget to update it. People who ghost their profiles are 20% less likely to meet a match. If you don’t dust your profile every now and then, you will lose every chance you have at finding someone. It will make you come off as unbothered and unwilling to make a commitment. Here’s what you should do:
Have you switched jobs or adopted a child? These are major life-changing events that absolutely need to be updated!
If you’ve discovered a new hobby or come across a potential dealbreaker; let them know.
Post new pictures of yourself every month or so, anything longer and you’re borderline catfishing them!
Updating your profile must never seem like a chore, but you must commit to the process.
Mistake #5: Bad Copywriting
Having a weak headline is the most common rookie mistake online daters tend to make. Most online dating profiles are simply a series of adjectives put together as a representation of one’s personality. This removes originality from your profile, and according to surveys, it significantly impacts the number of matches that you get. Spelling mistakes are a major turnoff as 75% of people are less likely to respond to someone with spelling mistakes in their headline.
Stand out from the clutter by showing, not telling. Here are some ways you can achieve this:
Instead of saying “adventurous”, write about something interesting that happened on your last trip
Rather than simply telling them you’re “family-oriented”, speak about how you take your nieces out for ice cream on Saturdays.
Saying something obnoxiously generic like: “I like to have fun.” Specify and expand! Tell them your definition of fun or describe what a fun-filled day looks like for you.
Strong copywriting will add more value to your profile by describing you better and giving your audience insight into your everyday life. Stories generate emotional connections and make your profile look more sincere and well thought out. And of course, one can never go wrong with a little humor!